Sunday, November 3, 2013

Kickstarter Mania!!!

Zombicide has arrived!!!

God only knows when I'll get a chance to play it but I'm looking forward to it.

At the same time Season Three of Dreadball arrived.  My painting backlog is now officially insane.

Speaking of painting... I'm almost finished with the Warsenal Shipping Containers.

All that's left is for me to seal them with a satin finish and a little gloss in strategic areas then do a little washing with Agrax Earthshade.  I'm pretty happy with how they are turning out.


1 comment:

  1. Those photos really make me regret not getting involved in the Zombicide Kickstarter.

    Oh well I've probably got enough hobby in my house right now to start a small indy store, so perhaps it's for the better. I look forward to see what you do with them.
